About me

Emma deZarn is a Los Angeles-based multi-disciplinary editor, writer, and creative producer.

With a keen eye for detail and a passion for storytelling, Emma uses her craft to spark important conversations and encourage deeper understanding and empathy among readers and audiences

Emma has honed her skills through years of working with authors and screenwriters, editing their projects to bring their visions to life. Currently, she is working with published author and life coach, Shelli Lether, editing her memoir and facilitating the publishing process as well as managing social media and content creation in support of the book.

Additionally, Emma's portfolio hosts an impressive array of writing material, including a full-length graphic novel, a feature film, a pilot and spec script, and other published research works. Most notably, Emma has authored and illustrated an interactive children's book based on her extensive research in children's expressive writing therapy titled "A Home For Your Thoughts". This book along with her many other works can be found under the "Creative Gallery" tab above.

Emma's professional background also includes hands-on production experience on ABC's "The Bachelor" and as a producer, editor, and writer of her own documentary feature, archival research at the UCSB library, and additional administrative work both in the office and as a personal assistant. She has also worked as an intern for Human Rights Watch: Children's Rights Division (2016-2018), and the ACLU (2017).

With her diverse skill set and unwavering passion for creative arts, Emma is committed to creative production whether she is helping other achieve their vision or bringing her own projects to life.

Emma is always available for commission pieces or to freelance (writing or copyediting) for individuals and publications.

Check out my resume: